Friday, August 16, 2019



These steamed noodle clusters are prepared with special moulds and mats as they have been for centuries. They’re eaten everyday, often with curry at breakfast time. You also see them in Kerala, an area of India with a strong influence on Sri Lankan cooking.

  • 500g (1lb 2oz/31/4 cups) string hopper flour (or roasted or steamed white or brown rice flour)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • full kettle of just boiled water
Special utensils
  • 1 x string hopper mould
  • 16 x string hopper mats
  • steamer

  1. Place the flour in a large bowl and sprinkle in the salt. Once your kettle has boiled, let the steam escape for 30 seconds or so, then slowly pour the water onto the flour, mixing with the handle of a thin wooden spoon as you go. Keep adding water until the flour begins to bind together.
  2. At this point, stop adding water and see if you can bring the dough together into one big lump by kneading. If it doesn’t come together, keep adding small amounts of water until it does. The dough should be soft and a non-sticky pliable consistency. As soon as it comes together into a ball, it is ready.
  3. Fill the mould with the dough and lay eight string hopper mats on a work surface. Push the dough through the mould and onto the first mat, moving in a circular motion so that you cover the whole mat in strings. Repeat until all eight mats are covered.
  4. Carefully arrange the mats in a circle in the steamer, with one mat sat partially on top of another so that the hoppers don’t get squashed. Cover and steam for 7–8 minutes until cooked, and not sticky to the touch. Remove the steamer from the pan before taking out the mats. Slide the string hoppers off the mat and pile them up ready to serve.
  5. Repeat the process and serve warm when they are all ready.

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