Friday, August 16, 2019



Plain hoppers
Hoppers – fermented savoury rice pancakes – are probably the number one street food in Sri Lanka: in fact, most households don’t even make them because they’re so readily available. A sambol is an essential accompaniment: try the Pol, Seeni or Katta versions.

  • 7g (1/4oz/2 tsp) dried yeast
  • 3 tsp sugar (white or brown)
  • 50ml (13/4 fl oz/scant 1/4 cup) lukewarm water
  • 400g (14oz/21/2 cups) rice flour
  • 800ml (28 fl oz/31/3 cups) coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
Special utensil
  • 15cm (6-inch) non-stick wok or hopper pan with a lid. If you are not using a non-stick pan, then lightly oil the pan with a piece of cloth.

  1. Tip the yeast into a small bowl. Add the sugar and water, give it a good stir and set aside for at least 15 minutes to activate. When the yeast is ready, put the flour in a medium bowl, sprinkle in the yeast mixture and stir well.
  2. Pour half the coconut milk into the flour and mix well until you have a thick consistency. Add the rest of the coconut milk little by little, stirring as you go, until you have a thick but still runny batter. Leave the batter in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  3. When you are ready to make the hoppers, add the salt to the batter and warm the hopper pan over a low heat. Using a ladle holding about 50ml (13/4 fl oz), give the prepared batter a good stir. Put one ladleful of batter into the middle of the hot pan, keeping the heat low throughout.
  4. Swirl the pan around in a circular motion so that the batter spreads out and covers the base of the pan. Put the lid on and cook for 2–3 minutes until it is golden and crispy around the edges and soft but cooked in the middle. If you press the middle, your fingertips shouldn’t stick.
  5. Carefully remove the hopper with a spatula, and cook the rest. Serve warm.


Egg hoppers
Follow the method for making plain hoppers. Ladle the batter into the pan, swirl it around as before, and then break an egg into the middle of the pan and season with salt and pepper. Cover with the lid and cook for about 21/2–31/2 minutes until the egg white is cooked and the yolk just runny.

Egg Hoppers

Milk hoppers
Follow the method for making plain hoppers. Ladle the batter into the pan, swirl it around as before, and then add 2 tablespoons of thick coconut milk and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. Cover with the lid and cook for 2–3 minutes as before.

Milk hoppers

Jaggery hoppers 

   Follow the method for making plain hoppers. Ladle the batter into the pan, swirl it around as before, and then sprinkle with 2 teaspoons of crushed jaggery. Cover with the lid and cook for 2–3 minutes as before.

Jaggery hoppers

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